
Click for weekend schedule, how you can attend!箭头


From traditional-style dorms to apartment-style options, you’ll find each has its own characteristics.

First-year students are generally placed in Anderson or Columbia Halls while upperclassmen have their choice of a hall, 其中一个小屋, 套房风格的房间, 甚至一个单间也不行. Wherever you stay, it will soon become your home on campus.


More than a place to sleep, your residence hall is a place to relax, study and connect with friends. In each residence, there is a free washer and dryer, along with a TV lounge. Depending on which hall you live in, 你会弹钢琴, challenge your neighbor to a ping-pong match, chill in front of the fireplace, 或者打台球. Each hall has unique amenities, warmth, and charm, such as:

  • Pantries where students can make a cup of coffee or cook a meal
  • 自动售货机
  • A view of the “Puddle,” the pond on campus
  • 可演奏钢琴
  • 各种各样的休息室
  • 音乐练习室
  • 台球桌/乒乓球桌
  • 硬木地板
  • 壁炉

A Welcoming and Helpful 工作人员

It’s easier to adjust to college life when you have someone in your corner. That’s why Elmira makes sure that every residence hall is supervised by a professional staff member. The Community Coordinator (CC) lives in the building and is responsible for making sure the hall runs smoothly. Each floor has a specially trained student staff member called the Resident Assistant (RA). These are the people who you can go to for advice, for help with an issue, or just to have a talk.


Think of your residence hall as your home base while you’re here. First-year students are assigned to a hall with their classmates so they can build their Elmira community while encouraging and supporting each other. Upperclassmen use the Housing Selection process to select their residence hall.
